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Portsmouth Junior Paddle Battle Registration, Indemnification and Consent Form
September 7, 2024 -- Check-In at 12:00 PM


Participant (Child) Information

Gender (optional)

Primary Parent/Guardian Information

Phone Type

Secondary Parent/Guardian Information

Phone Type

Additional Information for Participant (Child)

Phone Type

Required Swim Competency Verification

All information requested in this part is REQUIRED. Registration Forms will be logged in as received but no Registration Form or Participant will be accepted and assigned one of the 36 open spaces until all information, including proof of passing a swim class/test, has been received by the Junior Paddle Battle team. Open spaces will be filled ONLY on the basis of fully completed Registrations. The Junior Paddle Battle team will contact you at the e-mail provided above for the Primary Parent/Guardian promptly after receipt of your Registration Form to arrange for you to provide acceptable written proof of swim competency (for example, a copy of a swim class certificate). Proof of the Participant's ability to swim is for the safety of your Participant, the other participants and the Junior Paddle Battle volunteers.

Required Liability Waivers

Agreement with the Portsmouth Junior Paddle Battle Waiver of Liability is REQUIRED. Please read the below Waiver and indicate your agreement by checking the box below. You will also be required to sign the Waiver at Check-In for the Junior Paddle Battle. Failure to execute the Waiver at check-in will result in disqualification of the Participant.

Thank you for submitting your Registration! A Junior Paddle Battle volunteer will attempt to contact you within 24 hours to assist you in competing your Registration.

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